Saturday, September 29, 2018

What are the complications of bronchitis in children?

What are the complications of bronchitis in children?
What are the complications of bronchitis in children?

1. Bronchial pneumonia: children may have high fever, hypoxia, dyspnea, acute respiratory failure, and even complications such as atelectasis, emphysema, empyema, pus, chest abscess, pericarditis, sepsis, etc., can be life-threatening.

2. Bronchiectasis: When pediatric bronchitis is not treated properly, it can be converted into chronic bronchial purulent inflammation, destroying the bronchial wall to deform and expand the bronchial wall, the wall tissue is destroyed, the bronchial tube loses its original natural defense ability, and the cough efficiency is also reduced. And the sputum function provides conditions for further infection. After a long time, the vicious circle has further expanded, and the condition has worsened and it is difficult to cure. The child may have intermittent intermittent fever, a large amount of purulent or hemoptysis. Further development can lead to pulmonary heart disease.

Prevention and health care method for pediatric bronchitis

Prevention and health care method for pediatric bronchitis
Prevention and health care method for pediatric bronchitis

Pay attention to the child's hot and cold, don't wear too hot, let him have proper cold-resistant exercise. The temperature is high, don't just think about the coldness of the child, but more importantly, always pay attention not to let the child get hot, so that the sweaty clothes are more likely to catch a cold.

Pediatric bronchitis medication

Pediatric bronchitis medication:
Pediatric bronchitis medication

Children with bronchitis should pay attention to rest, keep the air circulation in the bedroom, and maintain proper temperature and humidity. Give digestible food and drink plenty of water. Supply multivitamin B and vitamin C, one tablet each time, 3 times a day. For children with chronic and multiple-onset disease, vitamin AD should be supplied, one tablet at a time, 2-3 times a day. Young children with weak disease, mild oral sulfa drugs or penicillin drugs, and with a certain phlegm and cough medicine, synergistic treatment. Sulfonamides can be used in combination with sulfamethoxazole, 20 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, orally twice. Because sulfa drugs are excreted slowly, it is easy to cause crystal precipitation in the kidney, so it is necessary to supply sufficient water during the treatment to facilitate excretion. Some children are allergic to sulfa drugs. After use, rash, exfoliative dermatitis, etc., can not be used if there is a history of allergies. Penicillin can be used as amoxicillin, 40-80 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, orally after 3-4 times. Oral penicillin drugs should also pay attention to the history of allergic reactions to penicillin. Children with allergies to penicillin should be used with caution. Children with specific physique and allergies should be disabled. This type of child can be switched to cephalosporin cefradine, 25-50 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, divided into 3-4 times. Huayu cough medicine can be used with phlegm tablets, 1/2 one tablet each time, 3 times a day.

Clinical diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pediatric bronchitis

Clinical diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pediatric bronchitis
Clinical diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pediatric bronchitis

Clinical manifestation
1. From the beginning, there are fever, aversion to cold, headache, and dry throat.

2. The main symptoms are cough and cough.

Main type
1. The initial stage of acute bronchitis is dry cough, and the amount of sputum gradually increases, gradually becoming mucopurulent purulent sputum.

2. Chronic bronchitis is mainly caused by persistent cough, which is unhealed for many months, and is aggravated in the morning and evening, especially at night. The amount of sputum is more or less, so that coughing is faster. Symptoms, the shape is lighter in summer, and it is prone to acute attacks in winter, which makes the condition worse. The author of the anti-recurrence, the body is thin and weak. Can be complicated by atelectasis, emphysema, bronchiectasis and so on.

What are the home care methods for children with bronchitis?

Bronchitis is a common respiratory disease in children with a high prevalence, which can occur all year round and peaks in winter and spring. When suffering from bronchitis, children often have varying degrees of fever, cough, loss of appetite or vomiting, diarrhea, etc., and smaller children may also have bronchiolitis such as wheezing and wheezing. Although a small number of children may develop bronchial pneumonia, most of the children are milder in the treatment of home medicine and care. Parents should follow the doctor's advice to give them time to take medication and do their home care:
What are the home care methods for children with bronchitis?

1. The condition of tube inflammation, therefore, parents should increase or decrease the clothes in time with the temperature change, especially when sleeping, the children should be covered with quilts to keep the body temperature above 36.5 °C.

What are the characteristics of bronchitis in children?

What are the characteristics of bronchitis in children?
What are the characteristics of bronchitis in children?

The incidence of acute bronchitis in children can be urgent. Most of them have symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, but they can also suddenly have frequent and deep dry cough, and gradually have bronchial secretions. Infants and young children will not squat and swallow more than the throat. Symptoms are mild, no obvious disease, severe fever 38 ~ 39 ° C, even up to 40 ° C, more than 2 to 3 days to retreat. Feeling tired, affecting sleep appetite, and even gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Older children complain of headache and chest pain. Cough generally lasts for 7 to 10 days, sometimes for 2 to 3 weeks, or recurrent. If not treated properly, it can cause pneumonia, white blood cells are normal or slightly lower, and elevated people may have secondary bacterial infections.
Physically healthy children have few complications, but in malnutrition, low immune function, congenital airway malformation, chronic nasopharyngitis, rickets, etc., not only susceptible to bronchitis, but also complicated by pneumonia, otitis media, laryngitis and paranasal sinusitis .

What are the symptoms of bronchitis in children?

What are the symptoms of bronchitis in children?
What are the symptoms of bronchitis in children?

1. The age is more common in children under 1 year old, especially in infants under 6 months.

2. It can occur all year round, but it is more common in winter and spring.

3. The onset is more urgent, there are symptoms of early cold, such as coughing, sneezing, coughing increases after 1 to 2 days, episodes of dyspnea, wheezing, pale complexion, cyanosis of the lips, three concave signs, early wheezing of lung signs Mainly, followed by wet sounds. Symptoms can be associated with congestive heart failure, respiratory failure, hypoxic encephalopathy, and water and electrolyte disorders. The general body temperature does not exceed 38.5 ° C, the course of disease is 1 to 2 weeks.

4. The white blood cells are normal or slightly increased. Blood gas analysis showed hypoxemia and a decrease or increase in the partial pressure of arterial blood carbon dioxide. Chest x-rays have a thickened lung texture, increased lung transparency, or small patches of shadow and atelectasis. Conditions can be used for rapid diagnosis of respiratory secretion viruses to identify the type of virus.

What is pediatric bronchitis?

Pediatric bronchitis, the name of the disease is "bronchiolitis." The pathogen of bronchiolitis is mainly respiratory syncytial virus, which can account for 80% or more; other orders are adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, rhinovirus, influenza virus, etc.; a few cases can be caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, after infection, small Capillary congestion, edema, increased mucus secretion, and necrotic mucosal epithelial cells shedding and blocking the lumen, leading to obvious emphysema and atelectasis. It usually affects the alveoli, alveolar wall and interstitial lung, so it can be considered a special type of pneumonia.
What is pediatric bronchitis?

Bronchiolitis, different from general bronchitis or bronchitis, clinical symptoms like pneumonia, but mainly wheezing, the disease mostly occurs in children under 2.5 years old, 80% within 1 year old, most of them are less than 6 months Children. Typical bronchiolitis often occurs in the upper respiratory tract infection 2 to 3 days after the onset of persistent dry cough and fever, body temperature in the middle and low fever, the onset of wheezing is characterized by 2 days after the onset of wheezing On the 3rd, the breathing was significantly increased. The breathing increased significantly, reaching 60 to 80 times per minute, accompanied by exhalation prolongation and Hohhot gasthoracic throat; severely ill children showed nasal discharge and "three concave signs". "(ie, there is a supraclavicular fossa when inhaling, a sternal upper fossa and a depressed upper abdomen), pale face, blue bruises, or cyanosis, children often irritated, more than stunned; more severely ill children may have heart failure or Respiratory failure, most cases can be relieved after treatment, and very few deaths occur.

Is bronchitis contagious?

Bronchitis refers to chronic, non-specific inflammation of the trachea, bronchial mucosa, and surrounding tissues. Clinically characterized by long-term cough, cough, or accompanied by wheezing and repeated hair loss. It is a common respiratory disease, so everyone has doubts about whether bronchitis will be transmitted.
Is bronchitis contagious?

Is bronchitis contagious?


  Bronchitis is a very susceptible disease that has acute and chronic effects due to the repetitive nature of viruses and bacteria. Air pollution or sudden drop in temperature can stimulate the respiratory mucosa, reducing ciliary movement and increasing mucus secretion. Most infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms, parasites, etc., and are therefore easily transmitted.

How to correctly distinguish between tracheitis and bronchitis?

The two diseases of bronchitis and bronchitis are very headaches for patients. Because of the similarity between the two, patients are difficult to distinguish. Below, we will teach you how to correctly distinguish between bronchitis and bronchitis.
How to correctly distinguish between tracheitis and bronchitis?

Both bronchitis and bronchitis are manifestations of a respiratory infection that is prevalent in autumn and winter and is often part of an acute respiratory infection that can occur after a common cold or rhinitis, other viral infections of the larynx and tracheobronchial, Often accompanied by secondary bacterial infections.

What are the prevention methods for bronchitis?

What are the prevention methods for bronchitis?
What are the prevention methods for bronchitis?

1.Quit smoking
In order to reduce the stimulation of smoking in the respiratory tract, patients must quit smoking. Other irritating gases, such as kitchen fumes, should also be avoided.

2. Promote drainage
For patients who are frail and coughing, or patients with more sputum, they should be based on sputum. It is not advisable to use antitussives to prevent the central nervous system from aggravating respiratory tract inflammation and leading to worsening of the disease. Help critically ill patients change their position regularly and gently massage the chest and back of the patient to promote the discharge of sputum.

What are the treatments for bronchitis?

What are the treatments for bronchitis?

1. When patients have systemic symptoms, they should pay attention to rest and keep warm.

The purpose of treatment is to relieve symptoms and improve the function of the body. Patients often need to replenish fluids and apply antipyretics. Antitussive drugs can be applied as appropriate. Tinctures can be applied when the amount of sputum is large or sticky.

What is the examination and differential diagnosis of bronchitis?

What is the examination and differential diagnosis of bronchitis?
What is the examination and differential diagnosis of bronchitis?
An examination
The diagnosis of acute bronchitis mainly depends on the history and clinical manifestations, no abnormalities on the X-ray examination or only deepening of the lung texture. In the case of virus infection, the white blood cell count did not increase, the lymphocytes increased relatively slightly, and the total number of white blood cells and neutrophils increased during bacterial infection. Pathogenic pathogens can sometimes be found in sputum smear or sputum culture, serological examination, and the like.

What is acute bronchitis? What is chronic bronchitis? What are their clinical manifestations?

What is acute bronchitis? What is chronic bronchitis? What are their clinical manifestations?
What is acute bronchitis? What is chronic bronchitis? What are their clinical manifestations?

1.Acute bronchitis
In the early stage of acute bronchitis, symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection often appear. Patients usually have clinical manifestations such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat and hoarseness. The systemic symptoms are mild, but low fever, chills, weakness, itchiness in the throat, irritating cough and pain in the back of the chest. There is not much sputum in the early stage, but the sputum is not easy to cough up. After 2 to 3 days, the sputum can be changed from mucinous to mucopurulent. Patients with cold, inhalation of cold air or irritating gases can exacerbate coughing or induce coughing. Coughing is often more pronounced in the morning or at night. Cough can also be paroxysmal, sometimes persistent cough. When coughing is severe, it is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and chest and abdominal muscle pain. If accompanied by bronchospasm, there may be wheezing and shortness of breath. In general, the course of acute bronchitis has a certain degree of self-limiting, systemic symptoms can resolve within 4 to 5 days, but cough can sometimes be extended for several weeks.
A dry voice can sometimes be found in the examination, disappearing after coughing; a wet voice can be heard at the bottom of the lung, and a wheezing sound can be heard when there is bronchospasm. Usually, the white blood cell count is normal, and no abnormal findings are found on the chest X-ray examination.

What is bronchitis?

What is bronchitis?
What is bronchitis?
Bronchitis refers to chronic, non-specific inflammation of the trachea, bronchial mucosa, and surrounding tissues. The main cause of bronchitis is the repeated infection of viruses and bacteria to form chronic non-specific inflammation of the bronchi. When the temperature drops, the small blood vessels in the respiratory tract, ischemia, and the decline of defense function are conducive to disease; chronic stimuli such as smoke dust and pollution of the atmosphere can also occur; smoking causes bronchospasm, mucosal variation, ciliary movement, and mucus secretion to increase infection; Factors also have a certain relationship.