Saturday, September 29, 2018

What are the prevention methods for bronchitis?

What are the prevention methods for bronchitis?
What are the prevention methods for bronchitis?

1.Quit smoking
In order to reduce the stimulation of smoking in the respiratory tract, patients must quit smoking. Other irritating gases, such as kitchen fumes, should also be avoided.

2. Promote drainage
For patients who are frail and coughing, or patients with more sputum, they should be based on sputum. It is not advisable to use antitussives to prevent the central nervous system from aggravating respiratory tract inflammation and leading to worsening of the disease. Help critically ill patients change their position regularly and gently massage the chest and back of the patient to promote the discharge of sputum.

3. Maintain good family sanitation
The indoor air is fresh and has a certain humidity to control and eliminate all kinds of harmful gases and smoke. Improve environmental sanitation, do a good job of dust prevention and air pollution prevention, strengthen personal protection, and avoid the effects of smoke, dust and irritating gases on the respiratory tract.

4. Appropriate physical exercise
Enhance physical fitness, improve respiratory resistance, prevent upper respiratory tract infections, avoid inhalation of harmful substances and allergens, and prevent or reduce the occurrence of this disease. Exercise should be gradual and gradually increase the amount of activity.

5. Pay attention to climate change and cold season
When the winter season or the climate suddenly becomes cold, pay attention to the clothes and keep warm, add clothes in time, and do not cause colds due to cold. In the cold winter season, the indoor temperature should be 18 ~ 20 °C.

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