Monday, October 8, 2018

Is coughing blood getting chronic bronchitis?

 Is coughing blood getting chronic bronchitis? Blood hemoptysis is a common symptom. The masses often refer to hemoptysis as vomiting blood, because whether it is hemoptysis or vomiting, the Ministry spits out through the mouth. Essentially, hemoptysis comes from the trachea, bronchi, and lung 2D regions of the blood from the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and biliary system. It is often accompanied by coughing, sputum (blood sputum or blood); while vomiting is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, often accompanied by food or stomach cramps. In most cases, hemoptysis and vomiting are easy to distinguish. So can patients with chronic bronchitis be hemoptysis? Generally speaking, patients with chronic bronchitis are mainly coughing, habit and asthma, and there are few hemoptysis symptoms, that is, hemoptysis is not a common symptom of chronic bronchitis. Only in severe cough or severe intrapulmonary infection, occasionally bloody.
Is coughing blood getting chronic bronchitis?

    If a patient with frequent cough, sputum and hemoptysis seeks medical attention, do not think of chronic bronchitis first, but first suspect the following hemoptysis-related diseases:

    1. Tuberculosis Tuberculosis is a common disease, sometimes hemoptysis may be the first symptom, hemoptysis or only see bloodshot sputum, often accompanied by symptoms of tuberculosis; afternoon fatigue, low heat, weight loss and so on. Tuberculosis lesions can be found on chest x-rays.

    2. Bronchiectasis has cough, slightly paralyzed or only hemoptysis symptoms. It can be more or less, often smelly. Chest X-ray examination often does not clearly see the need for bronchography to confirm the diagnosis.

    3. Occupational lungs Early and mid-term symptoms are often similar to chronic bronchitis, such as frequent hemoptysis, combined with occupational exposure history, chest x-ray examination can be diagnosed.

    4. Paragonimiasis In addition to cough, sputum, bloody sputum is often ruined, there are edible sputum, drunk crab history, the lungs can detect specific lesions, sputum can be found in the sputum eggs.

    5. Bronchial lung cancer often develops concealed, sometimes less cough. Once there is hemoptysis, it means that the cancer has affected the bronchus, so the hemoptysis is often interrupted and repeated. The patient's general condition may be good, and medical examinations sometimes fail to make a definitive diagnosis. Unexplained hemoptysis for this reason should be examined in the short term to rule out other comorbidities, especially bronchogenic lung cancer.

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